MARCH 2011
For My Artist Friends
Here’s what’s going on in the economics part of the garret.
Things are happening in the selling part of the art world. During my
recent trip to USA I confirmed my fears that the art world had
virtually collapsed by visiting the sites of known galleries only to
discover they were now vacant premises or ‘hit and run’
stores selling second hand goods. And it wasn’t only the marginal
ones. It was the mainstream showrooms as well. In shock, I retreated to
my cave in Thailand and gathered up all my acorns and pondered my
chances of surviving the forthcoming winter on 112 nuts, a pile of
newspapers for warmth and a world in collapse at my stone doorstep.
But ever the optimist and unconvinced by the reality I had witnessed
and the doomsday talk around me I decided to launch a counterattack on
the market. So I went to work. 6 months later I can report that
the market has recovered about 20%. If my earnings in the ‘good
times’ were say 100 brumbies (pre 2007) it dropped to about 5
brumbies during the deep WFC (2008-10)times and has now recovered to
about 20 brumbies. That’s the present economic state of affairs
in the garret. Now if I have taken that sort of hit, and I am no mug at
this craft, then I hate to think what my mates out there in
‘painting world’ have gone though! My 112 nuts or 100
brumbies was a pretty solid foundation!
My advise to artists is to think carefully about what you paint, its
size and the price you ask. The main point for you as a creatively
artistic person is to connect. Then be creative in the payment programs
you offer to any prospective buyer. You must convert that connection or
interest into a sale. It sounds like I am the one selling! Well in the
end I am! Even though the gallerys’ doing the business I am
the one instructing them HOW to do MY business. Never forget that.
There’s many ways to skin a cat!
The Pelican Pete painting competition is all but over. End of this month is a stones throw away. Download the free module on my home page and copy it the best you can with whatever medium you choose.

Here’s one great entry by Anthony Vella. He’s got the tones
spot on as well as all the engineering 100%. I like that. Now I reckon
I could make a pretty good artist out of him with some time and smart
teaching! So why not have a try….even colored pencils will do!
Why not try your luck. Go to my web site here to get invovled.
Exhibition coming up for yours truly. I’m painting furiously at the moment for an exhibition in Perth, Australia. The Gadfly Gallery is the venue and the owner is one of the best in the business and a top buddy to boot- Anna Kwiecinska.
I’ll put a few paintings up on Facebook as I go and talk about them at some length on my blog.
Happy Painting,
Robert Hagan |
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