January 2011
A Long Time Coming / A Fresh Start
I seem to have wandered off the reservation for quite some time.
And things have changed a bit I notice. The art market essentially collapsed but is now in recovery mode.
While everyone was scrambling at ground level to work out how to
survive I went up into the clouds. And, finally had a good look at
See in art we can’t deal in depth with every element nature
proposes at the one time. It’s just too much. So what we do is
slowly go through them at a pace and a depth that suits us. And we pick
and choose according to our own direction in art.
So while there has been financial mayhem and market chaos on the ground
I decided to sidestep the depressing stuff and paint the skies.
Previously, I got away with a few slashes of yellow and white on a
grey/blue setting and then ploughed onto the figures or trees or
whatever-elements that I had done my homework on and painted with
There has also been a change on my website. It has been totally
redesigned, with a more a simplistic interface, shopping cart and blog
(which I am now constantly updating). Visit my new site here.
Now onto another subject and one that you may like to get involved.
On my web site there is a free instructional downloadable booklet called ‘Pelican Pete’.
Now here’s the challenge. I want you to paint Pelican Pete in any
medium you want. The one I deem to be the best will win this original
oil painting.
The First Prize…

The one who ‘hovers’ around the best will get a signed and dedicated book from me.
Runner Up...

So there you are!
Submissions close on the last week of March…. so dont let the grass doesn’t grow under your feet.
Send your masterpiece to me there.
Have a great festive break and happy painting,
Robert Hagan |
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